toxic jobs

Personal stories about toxic jobs and workplace woes.

August 27, 2012

single moms and menial work

Juvena has been divorced for seven years in which time she has worked part-time in a low-paid menial job in order to take care of her children.

"Take a look around you," says Juvena. "What you see are women, especially single working mothers, bearing the brunt of menial low paying jobs. Is this fair?"

"The trouble is, though," says Juvena, "once we accept menial jobs we are stuck with a label and may have difficulty getting a better job once our kids grow up."

In the menial type jobs that Juvena has had she says that she was often treated abominably.

"You know you’re doing menial work," says Juvena, "when people look down upon you, considering you of lower rank or importance than themselves because you are doing something they would not deign to do."

"Furthermore, you know you are doing menial work when it brings disgrace or humiliation upon you."

"This raises the interesting point," muses Juvena, "that a job can only be truly menial if somebody else sees you doing it. For instance, you can clean the oven in the privacy of your home and because nobody sees the mess you get yourself in you are not disgraced or humiliated."

"However, should somebody pass by your kitchen window and catch you in a mess, you would probably feel humiliated to be seen doing such a menial job. Right?"

"You’ve got to fight tooth and nail to get rid of the menial working label," says Juvena, "and you’ve got to stand up for your rights when people try to keep you down in menial jobs.”

“You owe it to yourself, and especially your children, to be respected."

Read more by Juvena on this issue:

  • The jobs nobody wants to do
  • separation and child support woes

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